What is web management and why is it necessary?

Programming  29. septembra 2023 Ján Májek

Do you want your website to work optimally 24 hours a day? The solution is web management. Thanks to it, your website will work without any problems that are connected with spam, viruses or slowdows. In this article, you will learn what web management actually is and why it is necessary.

What is web management?

Web management includes a set of different activities that are combined effectively so that you do not have to worry about the proper functionaning of your website. Agencies, as weill as ours can handle all the work that is connected to the website for you.

Web managment includes activities such as adata backup, virus protenction, monitoring of non-functional elements on the web and a lot more. Activities can be extended even beyond IT and technical security – to marketing activities related to web managment, such as web development monitoring or proposed performance improvements:

  • web speed
  • reponsivness for mobile devices
  • SEO and organic search
  • UX / UI design
  • current analytical tools  – GA4

This also applies to compliance with legislation, such as fulfillment of legislative conditions – protection of personal data, cookies, compliance with regulations for distance sales (e-shops)

Why is web management necessary?

There are several reasons why web management can make your business more effectjve. Whether it’s security, website performance in marketing, error prevention or fines for breaking legislation.

Web management brings benefits that are a good investment – and in the end, they can have a positive effect on your costs as well. Prevention and web managment is more beneficial than solving a problem that can lead to the loss of analytics, positions in search engines.

What are the benefits of external web management?

  1. Save time and dedicate yourself to your business fully

By outsourcing website maintanence, you will be able to devote more time to developing your business. Most business lack the resources, time and expertise associated with website management. Having an in-house programmer is not always necessary.

Forget about updating, solving problems and backing up your website. Maintanance and updating of the website can be done by an agency that has experience with website management.

web management

2. Prevent loss of important data

Regular data backup is part of website management. A backup is a guarantee that your website can be restored after data loss. Due to carelessness or even a hacker attack, your website can be completely deleted. Even in this case, can be your website completely restored thanks to the backup.

3. Your website is regularly technically updated

The management of the website also includes the technical updating of the website, which needs to be carried out on the website. If your website is not regularly technically updated, the risks increase. Regular updates therefore increase the security of the website.

4. Problem – free functioning of the website

Thanks to technical support and automated checking through scrips, the website should work smoothly 24 hours a day. Automatic functionality check eliminates long-term site inactivity due to overload, hacker attacks or server failure. It can also check the correct and functional sending of e-mails and orders.

5. Your website is protected against spam and viruses

You may encounter spam and viruses while running a website. It happens that spams are delivered to e-mails, but it can also be sent from your e-mails. Spam distrubs website visitors and affects the negative positions of the website in the search engine.

Spam protection can in some cases be more complicated than just placing a re-catche. Therefore, in case of repeated problems, it is benefitical to entrust these activities to the hands of professionals.

6. 24/7 site monitoring

Website performance monitoring helps to ensure that your website is always available to all users coming from different types of devices. Thanks to monitoring, we will know immediately about the website going down, so that steps can be taken to make the website functional again as soon as possible.

A functional website is the basis of business

A properly functioning website is important for a smooth business (not just online). Web management can save you a lot of time, money and worries.

How do we deal with the web management in Upvision?

Besides basic web management, we also provide:

  • monitoring of disfunctional links
  • test version of website
  • Google Search Console monitoring
  • keywork monitoring
  • Supervision of suspicious activities
  • service work
  • suggestions for UX/CRO improvements
  • monthly report on the state of website

Do you need to solve the updating and management of your website? Management of corporate CMSs includes content management, but also management and protection of websites on WordPress or other smaller websites is our daily „bread and butter“. Protect your website and ensure regular management with our in-house team of programmers.


Are you planning to start digitizing your company? We will advise you!
Contact us
Ján Májek

Ján Májek

Founder of UPVISION Digital agency


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