Marketing  28. septembra 2023 Ján Májek

How to transform a company into the online space is the dilemma of every entrepreneur. In recent months, the global market has been asking for faster digitalization of companies and business. Digitalization is often postponed. Traditional forms of business are beginning to fall into crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus, which affects globally the entire population. Society is being developed constantly, but now it is forced to rapidly change its thinking and fully transform it into digital space. The market will go through a transformation in a  very quick time and unprepared companies will not be able to compete.

That is why you have to prepare your business for the coming „online“ period and adapt to your customers, who are forced to concentrate their purchasing behaviour and decision-making mainly in the online world in the coming months.

Business owners and managers need to work smarter. Do not reject digitalization, otherwise they will not survive this economic downturn, which is largely dependent on online functioning. For some, it is an oppurtunity to strengthen their online business and increase their market position. For many, however, this can mean the complete colllapse of the business, especially if they have neglected the digitalization of their company’s communication and the automation of processes in the past.

If you think about it, even before the virus we had many old solutions on the market that were not able to „survive“ systematically. If we want to overcome this period as a company, we must have strong local marketing all the time.

The virus caused a rapid change in global functioning, which even your company cannot avoid. Gastro companies operate on online orders and deliveries, online shopping in e-commerce is growing enormously, business modes and consulting companies have switched to video conferences, artists have started to produce more „live“ on social networks, trainers are starting to create their lessons via Internet, even schools are starting to teach digitally…

So, let’s take a look at the data together and we will see what we can expect as a company in the near future. We will also talk about what we can do to avoid being one of the companies that will be marked with the word „bankrupt“ after this period.


A conversion is a completed and at the same time measurable action, coming from web pages. It represents the ratio between the user’s standard Internet browsing and a specific pre-defined desired action of the advertiser (click, purchase…) Occurs when someone click on your ad or visits your site and then performs an action that you have defined as valuable for your business, such as online shopping, mobile call, fill out and send a form, register for sending a newsletter, reegister in the e-shop, watch a video, etc.


Medical supplies and drug segment PPC advertising vs. search network % growth


Segment performance: transportation (%) and packaging

Advertising performance ratio – finance segment

What arragements you have to take to maintain your company’s position on the market and how to transform your company into the online space?
  1. Work on keeping your customers online

  • Automate your marketing

We do not mean that you will send a newsletter to cold contacts or do tele marketing. We are talking about communicating online and adapting your business so that you can deliver your product/service to your customers online.

  • Create quality content

Communicate about what innovations you have, how you have adapted in work mode due to the quarantine. Inspire your customers through quality content. Create B2B content campaigns. Focus your content primarily on existing customers, not on acquisition. Use all possible social networks and create a social media funnel strategy – what, how and to whom you will distribute.

  • Online transformation tip:

Start conducting webinars, create online ordering of your goods / services, let your customers know how you have transformed your business into the digital space and how you can be helpful in quarantine mode. Create competencies for sales departments to strengthen online tools for communication with your customers. You can create online sales support. Automate the entire process of each order. Conduct consultations using online video tools on the market.

2. Strengthen your brand awareness (knowledge of the brand in the target group)

Strengthen your brand position at this time. Start sending targeted leads to your website or social channels. Even if your business is down, keep communicating. Why?

Because users are forced to limit themselves currently and they are willing to hit the streets again after finding a solution on a global problem, they will want to gain new experiences. They will want to buy their favourite clothing brands, go to their favorite barber salon or spend a few days in the mountains at their favorite hotel. Ask them for references and sell your innovations and new products that will improve their lives. Do this on the assumption that they will be able to use the services from you in the future.

If you build strong brand awareness during these months, your customers will remain loyal to you. Do not wait for a miracle, get started today. We all know that it will be difficult.

3. Focus on system managment of your online conversions

If you are one of the companies that have not yet needed to transform into an online environment, contact an agency that will consult with you your business segment and find a suitable channel for you to communicate with customers. If you already use online communication, I assume that you have all the channels available, including the data that tells your where demands/conversion are coming from. It is really important. Why?

Tips for communication that will ensure conversions:
  • create case studies
  • share your market experience
  • create positive content that will be personalized towards your customers
  • use AI in communication, such as chatbots, predefined responses for conversions, CRM systems, etc.

4. Measure, measure, measure

If you do not measure, you won’t be able to evaluate and create improvement measures regarding your financial investments. Simple. By measurement we mean evaluating your financial investments for their return (ROI).

Tips on how to measure effectively:
  • Create and set up your goal measurement in the Google analytics console.
  • Connect your website to the Google search console.
  • Evaluate your social media investments (ROI) via the Business Manager console or in the ad center and compare your costs vs. sales from the given channles.

In crisis period, acc. to marketing data, use those activities that will ensure your income.

5. Test, learn and test again

After evaluating your data, learn what you created correctly. Look at what got you the goal completion / conversion. Take a successful strategy and copy it to the next period. Do not forget, this time is crucial for you to transition your company into the digital space. Brand is thte most powerful thing you can use now.

Our digital agency team is here with you all the time. They will be available to help you and answer your question on how to transform your company into the online space.

Thanks to our experience, we already help more that 350 clients in various segments to digitize their projects and companies. We are working effectively, currently, remotely, but project cosultations and implementation are ongoing as before. If you need to digitize your company, I am available for consultation. You can leave your contact information below. I wish you the most stable transition through this period and positive digitalization of your company as possible.

Mgr. Ján Májek, DiS.Art., Managing Director UPVISION


Are you planning to start digitizing your company? We will advise you!
Contact us
Ján Májek

Ján Májek

Founder of UPVISION Digital agency


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