Everything you need to know about Google Performance Max

Marketing  25. júla 2023 Ján Májek

In the previous Google year has introduced a new type of maximum performance campaigns in Google Ads. Google Performance Max campaigns will gradually replace Smart Shopping and Local campaigns. Are you curious to know how Google Performance Max work, where you can find them and how to use them?

1. What are Google Performance Max campaigns?

Performace Max campaigns are the newest type of advertising campaigns which are offered by Google Ads. They combine all other types of ads and they help companies to maximilize return on investment by using of advanced algorithms for automatic optimalization of advertising campaigns.

The mail difference between Performance Max and other campaigns in Google Ads is the fact that machine learning automates optimalization, campaing targeting and campaign delivery that is based on information provided by advertised.

performance max campaigns

2. When are PMAX campaigns shown?

PMax campaigns are shown in all Google channels:

  • in Google search
  • on Youtube
  • in Gmail
  • in Google Display
  • in Google Maps
  • in Google Discover

3. When should you use Google Performance Max?

Performance Max campaigns shouldn’t completely replace your current campaigns. They should be used as a complement to your existing campaigns in Google Ads. They could be beneficial especially for companies with complex campaigns, with huge budget or with need of specialized support. Because Performance Max are highly automatized, they could be also benefitial for advertisers who do not have a time for ad optimalization for each channel.

4. How to create Google Performance Max campaign?

Set up of Performace Max could be seen simple at the first glance. However, its success depends on information which are provided for this campaign and what aims do you choose. That is why we need to know several information before the set up.

Advertising aim (conversion)

To secure that PMax campaign would reach the best outcome as possible you have to strictly define what you expect. You have to choose the right aim (conversion). If you have set up Google Analytics correctly, you can work with aim from your website. After connection of these accounts you can also import the information into Google Ads or you can let your programmer to process it or you can hire an agency.

After correct set up of goals, you have to choose the most important ones for the each campaign. For example, when you have an eshop ,your aim will be a sale not that users browse in your contact form.


You should set up your budget and choose the right strategy. You use for instance use maximum of clicks, conversions or advanced strategies which are aimed to chosen rate of CPA or ROAS.


In which location do you want to display your ads? If you want to include higher rate of locations, you can choose an option „add another location“ which will be extended and you will see a link for „extended search“. By click on this link you will be provided with an option of multiple import of location. Then, you can choose languages, plan of ad and a date of campaign launch.

Creative assets

Google creates ads automatically, but you have to provide correct information. It includes mostly texts, photos, videos, headlines of CTA buttons and audience. Google has published an useful manual, in which they describe reccommended guidance about creative materials. Here are some of them:

  • Videos: Add to each Performance Max campaign maximum 5 videos. Optimalize your video according to the biggest chance of display. Each video should have minimum 10 second. Include into video call for action.
  • Pictures: Add ro each campaign maximum 15 pictures. Try to include different styles of catchy pictures, for example display of products in context and in detailed picture.Try to avoid duplicative pictures.
  • Headlines and text: Create long and short version of advertising text. In search are prefered longer headlines and texts of the ad. On the other hand ,display ads are normally short.

5. Do you need help with set up of PM campaigns?

Performance Max campaign are great oppurtunity of how to adress customers in all Google channels. In Upvision we gradually add PMax campaigns to our clients projects and we’ve measured better results. Our team of PPC professionals is ready to create functional strategy of Performance Max for your company.


Are you planning to start digitizing your company? We will advise you!
Contact us
Ján Májek

Ján Májek

Founder of UPVISION Digital agency


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