Creation of website: Trends for 2023

Programming  18. júla 2023 Ján Májek

If you want your company to stand out, ordinary website is not enough. Technologies develop uncontinuosly and it is needed to adapt even the website development to this trend.  Website development should be dynamic, innovative and user friendly. In this article we would discuss trends that are expected in 2023 for developers and designers.

1. Optimalization for mobile devices

In november 2023 were 49,19 % visits of website from mobile devices. Number of internet users comming from mobile devices is increasing annualy. That is has increased the need for optimalization of websites for mobiles. All developers should rememeber to focus on vertical orientation instead of traditional horizotal screens which are used on PC in 2023.

2. Voice search

Google states that voice search was used on mobile devices by 27 % of world population in 2022. Even though Siri and Alexa would work practically on each website, developers facillitate the search by optimalization of websites with regard to voice search. By this way they enable people with visual and hearing disabilities to search on the website. Adittionaly, these are helpful even amongst people who do not want to write and who prefer voice search.

3. Motion graphics

Usage of motion graphics is an attractive way how to impress and attract new constumer to the website. It is often used with the creation of propagational banners or short videos, which are subsequently inserted on the website. This trend will even increase in 2023. Motion graphics could be used by creative team during the creation of landing page or during the product presentation on eshop. It is expected in future that this technology would be implemented to the majority of websites.

4. Progressive web apps (PWA)

PWA are part of the newest technologies of website development, which enables to bring the websites closer to native mobile apps. Progressive web apps include options which are accessible in native apps. It could be a pust notification or an option of using the web app in offline regime.

Its advantage is in comparison with native apps. PWA do not require installation and they take up less space in storage space. They are safe, inexpensive and they could be used on any device. Progressive web apps were developed with the most often used programming languages as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

5. Dark mode

This trend is not new, but it is more and more used amongst the users to search on websites. Especially in the evening is dark mode gentle to the eyes, because it reduces the blue light emitting. Another reason why users use dark regime is that in helps to reduce energy consumption.

6. Chatbots with artifical intelligence

Technological giants use chatbots longer and they are followed by B2B companies around the world. It is another popular trend in website and apps development. Chatbots are able to react automatically to requirenments of its users. This reduces costs of companies which would be used on human resources. Additionally, it increases effectivity. They are also able to deal with problems 24/7. It is expected that chatbots will become a trend in website and app development especially because of the increasing popularity in usability in 2023.

7. Extending the skills of developers

Website development uncontinuosly progress. Hand in hand with perfection have to developers and designers of websites and eshops add on their websites new elements. Including full screen videos, backgrounds, animations and interactive navigation. More popular will be a virtual reality what requires extension of programmer’s skills.





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Ján Májek

Ján Májek

Founder of UPVISION Digital agency


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