20 tips for creating your brand’s story

20 tips for creating your brand’s story

Marketing, Performance, Awareness, Tips  28. augusta 2023 Ján Májek

Creation of brand story is necassary in order to attract potential customers. It allows people to...

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How to use Instagram hashtag #?

How to use Instagram hashtag #?

Marketing, Performance, Awareness, Social media  25. júla 2023 Ján Májek

Instagram hashtag is still more and popular. Because the trend is also visible in Slovakia, we wo...

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How does Google analytics 4 replace data loss from cookies?

How does Google analytics 4 replace data loss from cookies?

Marketing, Performance, Programming, Tips  20. júla 2023 Ján Májek

If you are interested in performance marketing, you’ve probably noticed that Google Analyti...

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What should you know about Google Analytics 4?

What should you know about Google Analytics 4?

Marketing, Performance  16. marca 2023 Ján Májek

By now, you have probably heard that Google is introducing a new version of their analytics tool ...

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