What is the process of website creation and how much does it cost?

What is the process of website creation and how much does it cost?

Programming  28. augusta 2023 Ján Májek

How is web created? This question is discussed amongst a lot of company owners. Because we are ag...

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What does web programming consist of?

What does web programming consist of?

Programming  31. júla 2023 Ján Májek

Development of web applications in an integral part of the wold of digitalization. The profession...

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How does Google analytics 4 replace data loss from cookies?

How does Google analytics 4 replace data loss from cookies?

Marketing, Performance, Programming, Tips  20. júla 2023 Ján Májek

If you are interested in performance marketing, you’ve probably noticed that Google Analyti...

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Creation of website: Trends for 2023

Creation of website: Trends for 2023

Programming  18. júla 2023 Ján Májek

If you want your company to stand out, ordinary website is not enough. Technologies develop uncon...

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