Branding, brand – irreplaceable part of your business identity

Awareness, Marketing  27. júla 2023 Ján Májek

You’ve definitely heard about „brand“ before. Do you understand it correctly? Almost all companies, even the smallest or biggest ones have their own business names, but we can not say that all of them have brand. No company is successful by coincidence. What to do to transform your company info successful brand?

Branding is not just a logo, color or font of your company. It is summary of specific elements which identify your brand and which diverse you from competition. It includes overall company’s identity and it helps to remain in the minds of your potentional clients. Moreover, it helps to better memorize the product. By systematic awareness building you can reach position“ top of mind“. It means that if a customer will think about some category of products, he will think about yours firstly. So, if you own a car brand and you ask your clients about what brand do they think when someone says car, and they will say your brand, congratulations you are top of mind!


Branding = company’s and product’s soul

Company is able to present their values and quality of their products and services through brand, because most people perceive it as a part of company. Customers believe that more expensive products are better quality. So we can say that price of product reflects in minds quality. Even claim and requirenment for products and services are gradually higher. Not only that market grows and you can always find there new products and services, but also competition is increasing. That is why you shouldn’t stop and work on your brand ucontinuosly.

Brand is created by system of specific elements with which clients connect and relate. Together create these elements unique brand.

1) Branding and archetype

Brand archetype are used for comprehesive way of communication between brand and customer. They give meaning to brand and they create emotional connections and values with which can clients relate.

2) Logo and brand

Logo and brand are one of the first indicators based on which we can identity brand. It creates comprehesive and stable identity, which represents character of company. Logo is normally a combination of name, words, pictures or symboles. But professional logo and name doesn’t mean that you are brand.

logo brand

3) Branding and color

 Colors are one of the strongest visual stimulus for visual identity creation and they are enormously important. They have huge influence on thinking of customers and how they behave towards some brand. Every color has its shade, saturation, temperature and it evokes different feelings.

brand color

4) Typography

Fonts have their own characteristics and that is why it is important to realize that they have different shapes and signs which are part of them. Important is also choice of font, which will represent your brand.

5) Slogan

Slogan is a simple, short sentence which has meaning a message. It can be descriptive, imperative, specific or outstanding. Original and memorable slogan will differentiate you from competition and consumers will think about your brand when they will see it.


6) Package and design of product

Package of product is another important element when you offer similar product as your competition. Consumer will recognize you easier and he would immediately know which product is yours.

brand package

7) Representative / Brand mascot

Important element of brand creation is representative or mascot of your brand who support its memorability and better approach to customers. All of you definitely remember claun Ronald McDonald, who represented McDonald’s brand all over the world.

8) Architecture

Company’s architecture, building and office or shop’s equipment contribute to general image of company. They influence not only customers but also employee’s.


Brand = strategy of brand building

Branding is process of creation, building and speading of brand to customers and it is also a way through which brand communicate its values, character and image. If customers will search for your brand and buy your products depends on positive emotions which will your brand evoke. Helpful for emotion creation is ton of voice, which gives character and brand direction to customers. Brand story is created on the basis of insight. Through positioning statement you can define what do you want your clients to think about your brand.

Products which are sold by your company could be sold by several companies. But confidence and value of company are that what brings together customers and your brand. The aim of branding is to attract new faithful clients. Brand affects customers and it helps them to decide whether to buy the product or not. It also affects employees, companies, salesmen or investors who will want to be a part of the company only if they will relate with its values. At the same time, they will be a part if they will think that brand understands them and it offers products which suits them.


Phases of branding:

1. Brand creation – creation of name, logo, visual, brand, communication and graphic manual

2. Care of brand – update of graphics manual and communication channels

3. Brand bulding – creation and implementation of strategy, brand propagation, trust building and loyal clients

Why is branding important?

Branding is one of the ideal ways how to build brand awareness and how to address potentional clients. At the same time it is a way how you can build a strong community of followers on social media, newsletter subscribers and regular customers. It emphase you brand and it connects company’s identity and offered products with current and potentional customers. It points out  your brand uniqueness and also uniqueness of your products and services. When it comes to potentional clients, branding builds expectations about products and services which are offered by your brand.

Brand builds branding through communication. It doesn’t matter if you communicate through online or offline channels. When it comes to branding important is to communicate in uniform style trough specified elements of branding strategy. Branding represent important part of digital marketing. When it comes to its creation, it is important to use ad campaigns to stay in minds of your constatnt customers and also into awareness of potentional clients.


What can branding do?

  1. evoke expectations – branding is a bearer of company’s story and it should be able to evoke expectations. These expectations should be fulfiled by your brand not only once but uncontinuosly.
  2. differentiate from competition – knowing how to stand out from competition is the second most important ability of brand. Products or services of company are more original because of brand, additionally they are easier to identify and to recognize. If you have branding correctly set up, you will be successful.
  3. gain value – company which has its brand built can set higher prices of products or services. Customer who is connected to brand or who has some relationship created is okay with paying more.


Purchase of products and behaviour of customers is mostly based on emotions. Emotion which customer has to some product will decide whether he will buy it or not. If brand which is lovebrand stopped to sell their products, customers will want their products to be back on the market. But if a company who hasn’t built its brand announced that they plan to stop with production of their productions, customers would buy other products instead easily. Some of the world’s biggest lovebrands are Apple, Coca-Cola, McDonald, Samsung, Disney, Toyota, BMW, Mercedes or Facebook. What is your lovebrand?

Do you know a company who doesn’t do branding? We expect that you do not not. You can notice this company by chance but it will never be successful. No company became successful from day to day or by coincidence, but thanks to branding strategy. If you want to create your own brand, do not hesitate to contact us. 


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Ján Májek

Ján Májek

Founder of UPVISION Digital agency


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