Creation of brand story is necassary in order to attract potential customers. It allows people to care about it and identify with it. The brand story is the answer to the questions like „why and how“ when it comes to your business, including your visions, your successes, but also your failures. A brand story should not only present facts, but also it should evoke an emotion. To help you and your brand create your own story, we bring 20 tips for creating your brand’s story which will be engaging. Additionally that will resonate with your audience and thus your company grow.
1. Authenticity
Authenticity can only be achieved through honesty and transparency. You might be surprised how quickly people are able to detect your intentions if you are trying to deceive them. Customers mostly appreciate business whose intentions are honest. Then, they trust not only you, as an enterpreneur, but also your brand.
2. Aim
You already know that if you want your business to be profitable, it is not enough that is just exists. Try to look aat your business from bigger perspective. Does your business have some aim? Do you feel that your business makes sense to your target group?
3. Vision of brand’s story
The vision of the company is about the impact on the surrounding world that you want your company to have. Everything you do in your business should fit into this vision from the long-term perspective.
4. Values
Values that governs your company is what enables you to realize your vision in everyday life. The values you recognize, shape not only your relationship with business partners, but also the corporate culture in your company. It is beneficial to think about whether the values you represent are values recognized by your target group.
5. Products and services
The main pillar of your brand are the products and services which are sold. The products and services themselves must match the story of your brand and the promises it makes.
6. Your team
Brand is not only about what your suppliers and customers think about you and your company. We must not forget the employees, who are a key factor in this case. Your employees are the ones who significantly participate in creating the story of your brand.
You and the people behind your company should be the ones who will tell the story. Every employee has an important role here. So make sure the story they’re telling is the one you would want to hear.
7. Product as a part of the story
Products and services alone may not be enough to demonstrate the value your brand brings. The ability to sell products or services as part of your entire story will allow you to convince your target group that you are the right choice.
8. Brand name and slogan
The brand name and slogan are important elements of the brand, especially because it is something by what will your surroundings identify you. The name is what represent you. It says who you are. The brand name must therefore be recognizable. Your slogan should briefly outline the story of your brand.
9. Content
The content you create and publish shows the path you’ve decided to take. You share it with those around you, it fills in potential questions about your story and it provides more details about you and your brand. The content you share shows what voice you have decided to give your brand and what personality your brand represents.
10. Brand design
A big part of what makes a brand identifiable is its design. The design of the brand is mainly represented by the logo, which should be the first thing that your surrounding can recognize.
If the logo design is done right, it can help you to influence people’s jugment of the strength of your brand.
11. Creating a brand story and action
Nothing represents your brand more than your actions. From the way your internal processes work to the way you communicate with your customers. Your actions speak volumes.
12. Customer experiences
The process customers go through when purchasing a product or service of your brand is another important part of its story. No matter how good your marketing is, it means nothing to the customer if you are unable to deliver on the promises your brand makes.
13. Creating a brand story – price and quality
Price of products and services vs. their quality greatly affects the real value of your brand. The price level in which you decided to classify your products and services specifies your target group. However , no matter what target group you decide to reach, make sure you maintain the level of quality that the customer expects.
14. Position and perception
You may have already realized that your customers in some way dictate the position of your business on market. The secret to getting out of this position is to win the hearts of users who are in contact with your brand, instead of trying to manipulate them through their minds.
15. Distribution
How you get your products and services to your customers is just as important as what you sell. A unique way of distribution can even give you a competitive advantage.
16. Location
The location in which your company is located can significantly affect your chances of success in the long term. Factors such as visibility and accessibility greatly influence whether customers will come directly to you.
17. Availability or exclusiveness
There are products that are available almost everywhere. Then there are products that are specific because of their availability e.g. only on certain places or at a certain time – the customer perceives them as exclusive. Both groups of products have their advantages and disadavantages, both for your business and for your customers.
18. Creating a brand story and community
If a community starts to build around your brand, you are on the right track. Your customers can meet and share experiences with your brand. The community of loyal customers that you build over time can significantly influence the further success of your brand.
19. Reputation
It is the story of your brand, told by your customers. People naturally share their opinions, give recommendations, but also warn about their experiences.
The reputation of your brand is important. If it is not exactly favorable, even various marketing tools will not help you to reverse it. Maintaining a good reputation is the most important factor in the continued sucess of your brand.
20. Response and reach
The ability to reach the righ target audience is key. Well, you have to think about the fact that you haven’t won yet. Create interactions with your customers, involve them in creating your brand story. Your customers will then also involve their surroundings.
A combination of the above tips can help you to write your own brand story. The better the story is, the less marketing effort your products and services will require.